Survey Prod-IQ®

Positive survey feedback
Importance of MES & Industrial IT confirmed

One of our core competencies is the development and implementation of industry-specific control technology. This includes above all Prod-IQ®, our modular MES-system. Using the data provided by Prod-IQ® such as number of boards, quality, consumption, downtime or reject rates, plant operators can comprehensively evaluate and systematically increase the efficiency of their plant, irrespective of whether it is a Siempelkamp plant or third-party plant.

Where do users see the greatest benefit?
Where is potential?

How satisfied are our customers as users? To find out, our MES & Industrial IT department launched a survey on the subject. The evaluated results are now available and paint a positive picture overall. The most important findings from the survey results:

  • The customers are predominantly satisfied to very satisfied
  • They see the greatest benefits in downtime management, process control, process transparency, documentation and optimized production quality
  • For the future they would like to see various additional functionalities
  • They see a need for optimization mainly in user-friendliness and support.

Based on these statements we can promote the further development of Prod-IQ® in an even more focused and needs-oriented manner. We would like to thank all survey participants who gave us the opportunity to do so with their insightful feedback.

Interested in Prod-IQ®?
We are at your service.

If you have any questions about the software or want to talk to us about your individual needs, just contact us:

Further information and contacts